
The Latest News for StimulatingPix


2023 April 8th, Saturday

Release 2023 Removed.

The 2023 version of Stimulating Pix which was released on January 1st 2023 has been removed.

The latest version of Stimulating Pix has been released to
Attempts to re-direct visitors to this URL have been made. Please update your bookmarks.

For further information see the Release Notes.

2023 April 7th, Friday

Three more square spaces

Italy Places Rome,
Italy Places Turin,
Italy Places Venice


2023 April 5th, Wednesday

A NEW square space London Fashion Week, enjoy.

2023 January 1st, Sunday

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023

A new version of Stimulating Pix x3sp was released.

This release contains links to the books I have published on Blurb..
There ia also a NEW square spaces section, enjoy.

For more information please view the Release Notes.