Release Notes

Release 2023.04.08

News page updated.

Website section updated.

About page updated.
Copyright page updated.
Release Notes updated

The Release that was made on 2023.01.01 to folder 2023 has been removed.

Release 2023.01.01

News page updated.
NEW Blub Books section
NEW Square Spaces section

Website section updated.

About page updated.
Release Notes updated

Release 2022.04.01

News page updated.

Website now collects and stores page visit statistics.
Website section updated.
Release Notes updated.

Release 2022.01.09

News page updated.
New section Short Stories

Website section updated.
Release Notes updated.

Release 2022.01.01

News page updated.

Website section updated.

About page updated.
Copyright page updated.
Release Notes updated.

Release 2021.08.01

New Photographs Explore section.
New Links page.
Links moved from page footer to Links page.

News page updated.
Release Notes updated.

Release 2021.01.15

X3 Photo Gallery software updated to version X3.30.0.
The most notable changes in this release, were to the image viewer (popup) such that you can now invoke the slide viewer, Whoopee !!!

News page updated.

Website section updated.

About page updated.
Release Notes updated.

Release 2021.01.03

News page updated.

Website section updated.

About page updated.
Copyright page updated.
Release Notes updated.

Release 2020.09.25

News page updated.

Website section updated.

About page updated.
Cookies page updated.
Copyright page updated.
Privacy Policy updated.
Release Notes updated.
Terms and Conditions updated.

Links to the website pages provided in the page footer.

Release 2020.09.11

Update X3 Photo Gallery software to X3.29.6

New sidebar menu in Desktop
New favourite icon
New Information section
News section simplified
Photographs section updated
Website section updated

Release Notes - this statement was last updated on 08 April 2023